Newsletter for December 15, 2107

We made it to the final week before Christmas Break! It has been a busy week – doing some secret Elf stuff with shopping this week on Tuesday and some special crafting in our classroom. We also got to enjoy a movie and popcorn time because our class won the attendance war this first half of the year!  Next week brings spirit week, see the schedule below, and our party on Friday from 1:15-2:15. Have a great last week of busyness before the holidays!

Schedule for Spirit Week:

Monday:  Wear warm hats, beanies, and scarves

Tuesday: Dress in red and white

Wednesday: Wear cozy PJ’s

Thursday: Dress up as a Who or other character from The Grinch

Friday: Ugly Holiday sweater

Lastly, here is the link to the updated newsletter: newsletter 12:15:17


Star Student – Shaun

Shaun was our star student this week. We learned he likes to fish and swim, he likes the colors red and blue, cheeseburgers, and his favorite holiday is Christmas. He also likes to take electronics apart….he even showed us a DVD player that he took apart. We enjoyed getting to know Shaun better this week!

Newsletter for December 1, 2017

Happy December! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed the break from the usual daily schedule. Now it’s a crazy three weeks left until Christmas break. Here are some important dates coming up this month:

December 5 – Holiday Program (3rd – 5th performs at 7:30). Once I know the details of where to drop your child off that night, I will get that information to you.

December 12 – Secret Santa Shoppe – we shop this day from 3-3:30.

December 22 – Christmas party in our room will be from 1:15-2:15. A note went home about the gift exchange. Please know this is optional and not required.

Lastly, a note is coming home today about Grinchmas and spending the month of December doing good deeds. We will be brainstorming in our room as well to see what good deeds our class can be doing this month.

Here is the updated version of the newsletter: newsletter 12:1:17