A busy week ahead…

Happy Friday! I just wanted to let you know what is going on the last part of this month. This week we have book fair. We will be previewing the books on Monday and then buying on Thursday at 9:30. The Turkey Trot is happening on Tuesday. Wednesday evening we have the literacy night happening from 6-7:30. We wrap up the week with popcorn Friday!

Looking ahead we have the Halloween party on October 31. The costume parade is at 2:00 and then the party will immediately follow. Thanks to the many parents involved in making this happen for our class! Have a wonderful weekend! 

Newsletter for October 12, 2018

Thanks for all the support given to make our Walk-a-thon a success. Despite the rain, the kids had a great time and made the best of it!

Our book fair coordinators have asked us to pass on the following information:

Fall book fair is October 22 – October 26. Leading up to book fair, Alward is having a change war to raise money for All For Books – a program that buys books for schools in need. The class that raises the most money will get to keep the money to purchase books for their own room!!! We started the change war this past Monday and it continues through October 17th. Thanks to everyone who has already brought in some change!!!

Lastly, the newsletter for the week is attached….newsletter 10:12:18

Have a great weekend!!

News for the start of October…….

October has arrived and so has the busyness of school. A couple of news alerts and happenings that I want to make you all aware of….

Walk-a-thon News: First we have spirit week this week to celebrate our walk-a-thon on Friday. Here are the dress up days for the week:

Monday:  PJ day

Tuesday: Mismatch day

Wednesday:  80s day

Thursday:  plaidurday

Friday:  Super hero day…your child may wear a costume while walking just please remember no weapons and a mask that would just cover the eyes, not the entire face. Third grade walks from 9:15 – 10:00.

Football Game on Friday, October 5: This Friday, your child is invited to come to the home varsity football game. Your child will receive a free ticket to the game (look for the ticket to come home on Thursday). They will then have the chance to come onto the field before the game starts to make a tunnel for the football players to run through as they come onto the field. If your child is part of the youth football program, they will be with their team as the youth football program is also being celebrated. If you have any questions about this night, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

From our First Graders:  We would love for you to donate spring flower bulbs for us to plant around the school grounds.  If you would like to donate, please bring in the bulbs by Monday, October 8. Thank you very much!!

I think that’s it for our first week of October!  Hope you all have a great week!