Happy Holidays!

Wow!  We made it to the beginning of Christmas break and the end of 2019. Can’t believe how fast the school year is going. I hope that you all can take some time this break and enjoy your family and do the things that you normally don’t have time for…good friends, a good book, a good movie, or whatever makes you happy! Thank you all for the wonderful gifts and kind words. I am blessed to be working at Alward with such a great staff and even more wonderful parents!

Some things to keep in mind when school begins…..remember library books for library on Monday and the December reading calendar. January’s reading calendar was sent home yesterday. Our special on the day we get back will be art.

Enjoy your holidays and I can’t wait to see what 2020 will bring!! 

Happy 1/2 Birthday Addison!

Today we celebrated Addison VanderLugt’s half birthday. Her birthday is June 20 when we are not in school, so we helped her celebrate today, when she is now 8 1/2! She treated us to some really cool light up squishy rings that we used during our computer time in the dark! We hope you have a fabulous birthday in June!